Dec 14, 2008

Proud Big Brothers

First Bath

Gracies's cord stump fell off last week. I've just now gotten around to getting her baby tub out of the garage and cleaning it up. I thought for sure she'd like bathing in the tub much more than the sponge baths she's been getting. Maybe she did like it a bit better, but not much! And, apparently, bathing is such a big event in our house, all 5 of us were crowded into our little hall bath for Gracie's special day!

Holiday Baking

If you wanna call it that. I cheated this year and bought prebaked gingerbread cookies. I still had to mix up the frosting, though, does that count?! There's no telling what they taste like-Canaan coughed on his, Matty sneezed on his, and then used the same spreader he licked to spread more icing on his cookies. The boys enjoyed themselves, and that's really the point. Well, that and now they have 8 gingerbread cookies to eat all by themselves!

Dec 3, 2008

2 Weeks Old

At her 2 week check-up, Gracie weighed in at 7 lbs, 5 oz! She gained nearly a pound in just 7 days! She's still a tiny little peanut, in the 10th percentile for both height and weight. She's awake a little more during the day and is still a happy and content baby so long as she's fed and her bottom is clean. And the novelty of a new sister still hasn't worn off the boys, which could be due in part to the fact we are limiting their contact with her since they both have been sick recently.

9 Days Old

No, not peas porridge hot, it's Gracie! She had her "post-nursery" check-up today. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 6 oz today. She gained back all the weight she lost in the hospital, plus a couple more ounces. They said she looks great. They will do an ultrasound in a couple weeks on her hips because she was breech, but the doc said he didn't expect any findings from it, but it's just a precaution.

New swing

Gracie loves the swing Aunt Nancy and Uncle Brad gave her. Mommy & Daddy love that it plugs in!! Yeah! No more replacing 4 D batteries in the middle of the night! Actually, we haven't really had to use the swing to soothe a fussy baby like we did with the boys. She likes to sit in her swing and look at the Christmas tree, and sometimes we put her in there to let her sleep near the rest of the family while we are in the kitchen or living room.

Ice Cream Man!!

The boys have been keeping busy being excellent, caring big brothers. Here, they are taking a break from holding and kissing Gracie and fetching diapers and burp cloths for Mom when they heard the siren song of the ice cream man! Canaan raided his piggy bank for the last of his report card money to buy ice cream to share with Matty.

First sponge bath

Or, baby torture. Like any other baby, Gracie didn't care for her first sponge bath. We both look forward to the umbilical stump falling off so she can soak in the tub properly. She sure did smell sweet afterwards, though!