Canaan started school today. He was, "Mostly excited, but a little bit nervous, too!" Matthew had a hard time dealing with it this morning. So much so, that he refused to get dressed! I threatened to take him to school in his firetruck pajamas and he still wouldn't cooperate. I promised to take him to playgroup today, and they were meeting at Dunkin' Donuts, and he still screamed and cried! I eventually got his clothes on him and buckled him into the van.
Then Canaan obliged me and posed for a couple photos in front of the house, after giving me the third degree on WHY I needed pictures of him this morning. All the way to school I reminded him to be quiet when the teacher was talking, make sure to ask if he needs to use the bathroom, and to remember everything that happens because I'll want to know ALL about it when I pick him up this afternoon.
He ran into the school, rolling his backpack behind him. I trudged behind carrying three bags of the less exciting school supplies--zipper bags, wipes, tissues, etc. I talked him into posing for one last picture in front of his classroom door. His teacher greeted us and had Canaan take his seat; the few other children already there were coloring pictures of a school bus. He gave me a kiss and then asked where his crayons were packed into his backpack and told Matty he'd see him after school. If I didn't have to stop by the office and request a blank med form so Canaan can have permission to carry his inhaler to school, I might have given in and shed a tear or two.
We never did find the Dunkin' Donuts our playgroup was supposed to meet at. So, instead I took Matty to Krispy Kreme and let him pick out donuts for himself and Canaan. Matthew's donut is long gone, but when Canaan gets home this afternoon, he'll have a chocolate iced sprinkle donut waiting to congratulate him on his first day.
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